
In the course of our research we’ve come across a few fascinating games related sites and other glorious gems which we’ve scribbled down and which we’re slowly adding here, until we have a better idea.

In the meantime… here’s an old fashioned links page…


Pixels by Patrick Jean – All your favourite games characters attack New York in this stunning 2 min movie.


The Pacman Dossier – More info about Pacman than you could possibly want to know. Incredible depth, incredible detail. Wow.
World’s Biggest Pacman – Brilliant idea – this massively multiplayer games project lets you make your own Pacman maze with others!


5th Ave Frogger – These guys chained a Frogger games machine to 5th Ave in New York, and syncrhonized it with the traffic.
Roomba Frogger – Geeks turn a vacuum into a frogger and set it loose at South by Southwest.
Seinfeld Frogger – An absolute classic scene… This search at YouTube should get you where you want to go.

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